Golden Dawn: The End of the Story?

A roundtable discussion

19 November 2020, 17:00-19:00 (UK time)

A few days after the final chapter in the historical trial of the Golden Dawn, Greece’s neo-Nazi party, has been completed with its conviction as a criminal organization, this is a moment to return to the phenomenon of its popularity and scrutinize the narrative of its rise and fall. What have been the social, cultural, and political forces that allowed the Golden Dawn's rise and popularity, making its acts possible but also normalizing its practices for a part of the population? How popular was the party's discourse, which narratives and languages did it rest on, and what traces of that discourse may we still find in other forms of populist rhetoric and popular narratives? And, finally, is this the end of the neofascist presence in Greek politics?
Georgios-Evgenios Douliakas (Leiden University / University of Amsterdam)
Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck, University of London)
Eleftheria Ioannidou (University of Groningen)
Maria Margaronis (Journalist and broadcaster, The Nation and BBC Radio)
Emilia Salvanou (Utrecht University)
Marina Terkourafi (Leiden University)

chaired by Alexander Kazamias (Coventry University)