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Agonistic Realisms Conference Programme
Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century: Agonistic Realisms / Conference
Greek Studies Now: Local Cases, Global Debates / Program of the 2nd conference
Thirty years later – Rethinking Albanian-Greek identity
The politics of public memory: HIV/AIDS activism in Greece
“We have never been racist”: Rethinking race and ethnicity in contemporary Greece
What Greece...?
Dream Nation; 200 years on
Art and its Histories in Contemporary Greece: Concepts, Challenges, Debates
Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before
On Islands and Camps: From Leros to Lesvos
Golden Dawn: The End of the Story?
Greek and Green? Eco-turn in Modern Greek Studies
Partnership Launch Event ‘Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century’, 31 Jan – 1 Feb 2020
Whose Athens? : Examining Graffiti and Street Art in Athens Historic Centre
George Seferis and Octavio Paz: Marginal Literary Traditions as Counter-Narratives to Western Modernity
Allegories of the Fantastic in Globalization: The Four Levels of Medieval Allegory in Ioanna Bourazopoulou’s 'The Guilt of Innocence'
Hysterical Avowal: Thanasis Veggos' Overappropriation of a Gesture
Listening Across the Green Line
Zombies in the Crypto-Colony: Narratives of Zombification in the 'Greek Crisis'
From Ithageneia to Politeiotita: A Conversation on Acts of Citizenship in Greece
Shapeshifting as a Passage from Ithageneia to Politeiotita
‘The Only Good Thing’: Citizenship and Vulnerable Bodies
Émile Zola’s Nana: The Greek Translation and Reception of a Challenging Sexual Discourse in the Late Nineteenth Century
Filippos Koutsaftis’s Zakros: Communal Memories of the Past, and the Present We’d Rather Forget
On Cultural Analysis in the Study of Local Contexts
Commodifying Greece’s “Happiness of the Future”
Greek Literature and Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
‘Dangerous’: C. P. Cavafy and the Art of Queer Survival
Yannis Ritsos's Language of Exile: Features and evolution
Crisis Matters: Filming Greece in Analog
Essentially White; or, Why Do Looters Always Return to the Scene of the Crime
From Despair to Resistance: The Politics of Dreaming in Christos Ikonomou’s “The Blood of the Onion”
Dear Documenta, 5 Years On: A Conversation with Eirene Efstathiou
A clash over history and/as representation
Ergativity as alternative subjectivity in times of crisis: The case of Vasilis Kekatos’ As you sleep the world empties
"Sotiris, Now What’s Going to Happen to Us Without Bills?" The Elevator, the Debt, and the Rejection of Cruel Optimism
"We have never been racist" / Have we ever been racist?
En croisière
We Need to Talk About Greece: Why Acknowledging Racism Is The First Step To Fixing It
‘Unfinishing Masterpiece’: James Joyce’s Ulysses in Greece
...more posts...
VIDEO: Thirty years later – Rethinking Albanian-Greek identity
VIDEO: The politics of public memory: HIV/AIDS activism in Greece
VIDEO: “We have never been racist”: Rethinking race and ethnicity in contemporary Greece
VIDEO: What Greece...?
VIDEO: Dream Nation; 200 years on
VIDEO: Art and its Histories in Contemporary Greece: Concepts, Challenges, Debates
VIDEO: Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before
VIDEO: On Islands and Camps: From Leros to Lesvos
VIDEO: Golden Dawn: The End of the Story?
VIDEO: Greek and Green? Eco-turn in Modern Greek Studies
Paradoxes of Emancipation: Radical Imagination and Space in Neoliberal Greece
A Contemporary Glance at History through the Graphic Novels Aivali and 21
The Long Great War in Comics Form
Islam and Nationalism in Modern Greece, 1821-1940
Vertiginous Life: An Anthropology of Time and the Unforeseen (in Contemporary Greece)
Why Seferis?
Considerations on the reception of Cypriot literature
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After
Surplus Citizens: Struggle and Nationalism in the Greek Crisis
Frames of Refugeehood
The Conquered
Infrastructures of governmentality
What could art history contribute to MGS in the 21st century
Recollecting History, Bodies and Looks: the Graphic Novel 'Bandits' (Part 1) by Yorgos Goussis and Yiannis Rangos
Skip navigation
Agonistic Realisms Conference Programme
Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century: Agonistic Realisms / Conference
Greek Studies Now: Local Cases, Global Debates / Program of the 2nd conference
Thirty years later – Rethinking Albanian-Greek identity
The politics of public memory: HIV/AIDS activism in Greece
“We have never been racist”: Rethinking race and ethnicity in contemporary Greece
What Greece...?
Dream Nation; 200 years on
Art and its Histories in Contemporary Greece: Concepts, Challenges, Debates
Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before
On Islands and Camps: From Leros to Lesvos
Golden Dawn: The End of the Story?
Greek and Green? Eco-turn in Modern Greek Studies
Partnership Launch Event ‘Modern Greek Studies in the 21st Century’, 31 Jan – 1 Feb 2020
Whose Athens? : Examining Graffiti and Street Art in Athens Historic Centre
George Seferis and Octavio Paz: Marginal Literary Traditions as Counter-Narratives to Western Modernity
Allegories of the Fantastic in Globalization: The Four Levels of Medieval Allegory in Ioanna Bourazopoulou’s 'The Guilt of Innocence'
Hysterical Avowal: Thanasis Veggos' Overappropriation of a Gesture
Listening Across the Green Line
Zombies in the Crypto-Colony: Narratives of Zombification in the 'Greek Crisis'
From Ithageneia to Politeiotita: A Conversation on Acts of Citizenship in Greece
Shapeshifting as a Passage from Ithageneia to Politeiotita
‘The Only Good Thing’: Citizenship and Vulnerable Bodies
Émile Zola’s Nana: The Greek Translation and Reception of a Challenging Sexual Discourse in the Late Nineteenth Century
Filippos Koutsaftis’s Zakros: Communal Memories of the Past, and the Present We’d Rather Forget
On Cultural Analysis in the Study of Local Contexts
Commodifying Greece’s “Happiness of the Future”
Greek Literature and Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
‘Dangerous’: C. P. Cavafy and the Art of Queer Survival
Yannis Ritsos's Language of Exile: Features and evolution
Crisis Matters: Filming Greece in Analog
Essentially White; or, Why Do Looters Always Return to the Scene of the Crime
From Despair to Resistance: The Politics of Dreaming in Christos Ikonomou’s “The Blood of the Onion”
Dear Documenta, 5 Years On: A Conversation with Eirene Efstathiou
A clash over history and/as representation
Ergativity as alternative subjectivity in times of crisis: The case of Vasilis Kekatos’ As you sleep the world empties
"Sotiris, Now What’s Going to Happen to Us Without Bills?" The Elevator, the Debt, and the Rejection of Cruel Optimism
"We have never been racist" / Have we ever been racist?
En croisière
We Need to Talk About Greece: Why Acknowledging Racism Is The First Step To Fixing It
‘Unfinishing Masterpiece’: James Joyce’s Ulysses in Greece
...more posts...
VIDEO: Thirty years later – Rethinking Albanian-Greek identity
VIDEO: The politics of public memory: HIV/AIDS activism in Greece
VIDEO: “We have never been racist”: Rethinking race and ethnicity in contemporary Greece
VIDEO: What Greece...?
VIDEO: Dream Nation; 200 years on
VIDEO: Art and its Histories in Contemporary Greece: Concepts, Challenges, Debates
VIDEO: Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before
VIDEO: On Islands and Camps: From Leros to Lesvos
VIDEO: Golden Dawn: The End of the Story?
VIDEO: Greek and Green? Eco-turn in Modern Greek Studies
Paradoxes of Emancipation: Radical Imagination and Space in Neoliberal Greece
A Contemporary Glance at History through the Graphic Novels Aivali and 21
The Long Great War in Comics Form
Islam and Nationalism in Modern Greece, 1821-1940
Vertiginous Life: An Anthropology of Time and the Unforeseen (in Contemporary Greece)
Why Seferis?
Considerations on the reception of Cypriot literature
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After
Surplus Citizens: Struggle and Nationalism in the Greek Crisis
Frames of Refugeehood
The Conquered
Infrastructures of governmentality
What could art history contribute to MGS in the 21st century
Recollecting History, Bodies and Looks: the Graphic Novel 'Bandits' (Part 1) by Yorgos Goussis and Yiannis Rangos